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What $325 Buys You In How To Get Nudes From A Girl

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Feminism and nudes - telling women (and men) NOT to post nudes or not to behave a certain way is not feminist and it is problematic.

There are so many reasons that this is not a feminist thing to do - this blog will explain why.

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In an ideal world, the planet would be a feminist one - both men and women receiving equal shell out, men are not violent against women - and women happen to be not violent against men - , people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ages, religions, class, people with disabilities and more are usually respected and are not necessarily attacked for it, on or offline. Women also wouldn’t be putting each other down for anything, including their looks, the numend up beingr of romantic partners they have had in the past, or posting nudes or sexual poses inline. I, myself am a feminist - an intersectional one and feel proud to be one.

But sadly, feminism has it’s flaws too. There’h no getting out it - you possess the SWERFS and TERFS, who leave out transgender making love and persons employees, you have the white, selective feminists, who exclude black people, Jewish people (Antisemitism also) or Muslims and are sometimes even racist against them. You also possess a small number of feminists engaging in misandry - hatred against men.

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And then you have these kinds of “feminists” - feminists who dictate how women should bepossess, while claiming to be ANTIFA, the resistance, social justice activists, or identify as a left wing person on the political spectrum. Feminists who have wish women of all ages to make use of adult dating web sites put on’p. Feminists who want porn sites banned. Feminists who in addition discourage girls from proceeding to audio galas and/or clubs. Feminists who victim blame women for being raped for engaging in sex work, or posting nude images, moving to discos or taking in alcohol consumption. Feminists who say that a parent who allows a child or a teen to under go surgery to change or alter their physical appearance to identify or align with the gender they identify with is “child abuse” (Feminists who point out this or hold this kind of view are TERFS). Feminists who declare that ladies should NOT beverage job or alcoholic beverages in cafes - those safe and effective, pro temperance activists, women and “feminists” who say that a true feminist never wears revealing clothing or pose naked. Sometimes, feminists blame Muslim women for staying raped due to their religion also.

This is the very kind of conservative, white, radical, victim blaming, hateful and exclusionary feminwill bem that is problematic. Thwill be usually is the feminism we do NOT want.

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Now, lets go to this tweet, below in the image, implying that women “don’t have respect for themselves” when they post nudes and that when women do so, they are “attention seeking”. Subsequently you furthermore own the aspect that entails target blaming. This is NOT the definition of intersectional feminwill bem at all, and it additionally is also problematic. Combine all of this, and you have another straightforward problem: It is NOT a feminist tweet, nor is it a new feminist declaration or a new known reality. Even the term “self respect” is problematic itself, as it teaches girls and women about body image in a negative way - it implies that their self worthiness and how they are respected will be based on what they wear or their body system size. It is more problematic when the word “feminwill bet” is dragged into it, because intersectional feminists carry out certainly not get or disparaging offer different ladies aside, they lift up and empower other women instead. Of all First, the tweet itself dictates how some other ladies and women should react, for “self respect” especially. It is downright mwill beogyny, internalized misogyny especially, given that the account user is a woman. The tweet also implies that it’s a person’s fault if they get raped, sexually harassed or bullied or assaulted because they post nudes online sexually. A person posting their own consented nudes on their social media timeline does NOT call for unwanted comments, unsolicited pictures of genitals or online sexual harassment or sexual bullying.

The irony of the tweet above is that she used the phrase “attention seeking” - when she got a lot of attention for what she has tweeted, and rightly so as the tweet come across as attention seeking, crass and tasteless at best, and offensive, sexwill bet and directly misogynistic, specially and including internalized misogyny at worst case scenario.

Also, note that she claims to be democratic - but has similar views to Trump, republicans and Trump/republican supporters with conservative views of women in terms of women on social media posting nudes. Note the other irony of the tweet - she states that she is a feminist - but at the same time posted a misogynistic tweet. Very significantly ironic will be the key phrase that amounts this up.

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Also, saying “I’m a feminist but_________” is also along the similar line tag of declaring “I’m not racwill be certainlyt (or anti semitic/Islamophobic) but__________” with an exception that the feminwill bet line implies that the speaker or the sender of the post doesn’t agree with some parts of women’s rights or respecting women and/or men. In other words, the poster will ben’t an intersectional feminist but rather, a white selected one.

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Also, please be aware that if you are a feminist, and behave in the ways above that are hateful such as the examples above as well as the tweet (like, for instance becoming exclusionary or belittling women about their conduct, or victim blaming women after getting raped or sexually assaulted or harassed online), remember to wear’p identify yourself like anti ANTIFA or even fascist. Definitely not simply will it produce the majority of us who will be anti fascists appear undesirable, you are making yourself look like a fool, as anti fascists shall distance themselves from you. People have taken modern day (3rd-4th wave) feminism, unfortunately, less seriously because of women and “feminists” like the Twitter user above. Additionally, any “feminists” with exclusionary or belittling views, day feminist movement or those who engage in victim blaming are actually harming the modern.

Personally, I think feminists like this, as well as exclusionary feminists should be termed as fake feminists. Contemporary day time feminism should get intersectional. They are the typical white, picky type of feminism which will be what contemporary moment feminism should definitely not become about.

To all feminists, there will be Zero ideal or inappropriate approach to apparel mainly because a feminist. And most importantly, feminism must in no way end up hateful or exclusionary. Feminism also means that women can feel safe using dating apps, NUDE OLDER WOMEN travelling without getting murdered alone. Feminism is about the rights for women to vote, drive, hold down jobs, equal pay and other forms of equality, including health, financial, reproductive and social equality. You can go to festivals or nightclubs. Feminwill bem is NOT about hating men, or against making use of alcohol or drugs. Feminism is about the liberation of ALL woguys, including transwomen and non binary people, and will be inclusive of all women from all walks of life and backgrounds. And you can in addition drink alcohol while preaching your social justice activism - look at the feminists throughout history who drank alcohol, used or smoked drugs. And feminism is just about all certainly NOT about shaming girls and women for posting nudes online. Feminism also means that women have a right to consume in a bar, exercising on your own or in a health club, move to a evening pub or a happening, experience secure in addition to not getting on associated risk of attacked or perhaps possessing refreshments spiked sexually. You can belong to any religion you want. Feminism is about empowering other women also.

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My word of advice on how to be a good feminist: Don’t be that Karen. Add’w not say to become a court and feminist ladies for ingesting alcoholic beverages, spirits especially, or judge women for posting their bodies online or for having abortions or the religion they belong to. There is NOTHING right with telling a women not to drink or post nudes if the woman wants to or has done so - it is NOT feminist and it is problematic. Don’t belittle other women at all, in fact. Fight for all women, don’t bother otherwise. NEVER victim blame. And remember, feminism includes people from all backgrounds of life, no matter who you are.

Last thing, finally: The only cause of being raped and sexual assault is the rapist him or herself, same for sexual harassment offline - it is the harasser’s own fault as harassment is never acceptable no matter what it is. Same for sexual harassment online - the only result in for unwanted sexual comments and unconsented genital pictures is the harasser him or herself. No one else but the perpetrator will be at fault when things like this happen.

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